Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Buy a Bed...35 beds, $30 each

If you drive (or more realistically bike) down the dirt roads of Uganda, your heart will be pulled between the resilient beauty of the land and the despair that is constantly being combated by unwavering hope. Every few hundred yards, the unfinished foundation of a building stands as a testament to the line where a dream for a better future meets the reality of a gross lack of resources.

The land surrounding the Agule Community Health Center has, until recently, been a very real example of this disparity. The Clinic itself, which miraculously functions on next to nothing, is surrounded by the foundations for a maternity and pediatric ward which, because of the lack of resources, has been left untouched for several years. However, with the financial and prayerful support of many forward-thinking people, combined with an awesome display of raw manpower and ingenuity, construction is moving along at a speed that has surpassed all expectations. The roof is near completion, with a cement floor soon to follow.

Unfortunately, the building itself is only the first step, albeit a large one. The Clinic is already lacking in the amount of beds it is able to provide for its patients, so an entirely new building leaves much to be desired. The solution to this problem lies in sponsorship. Each bed (and we would realistically need about 35 beds) will cost $30 each. If we could be blessed with donors to provide the maternity ward with this necessity, we would be able to engrave the beds with the name of the donor – thereby bridging the gap between the patient and the provider.

This project is about so much more than simply expanding the Agule Community Health Center. It’s about sending a message of hope to the entire district and providing tangible proof that progress is possible. It is also a beautiful illustration of what can be accomplished with prayer and people working together across nations.

We urge you to consider partnering with these people and would love to connect with you! You can donate with the link to the right or email akiaashianut@gmail.com. Thank you for your time.


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